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Books (Editor):


Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 1. Editor: Michèle Sadler, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, April 2014. (Summary Leaflet)


Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 2. Editor: Michèle Sadler, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, June 2015. Summary Leaflet


Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Editor: Michèle Sadler, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, January, 2018


Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition. Editor-in-Chief: Sadler MJ. Eds: Strain JJ and Caballero B (3 volumes), Academic Press, 1998. Awarded a number of prizes, including 1st prize for basic and clinical sciences, BMA, 1999.


Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition. Eds: McCrae R, Robinson RK and Sadler MJ (8 volumes), Academic Press, 1993.


Functional Foods - The Consumer, the Products and the Evidence. Eds: Sadler MJ and Saltmarsh M, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1998.


Papers, Book Chapters and Articles:


Experimental studies and randomised controlled trial investigating the impact of traditional dried fruits consumed as snacks on food intake, experience of appetite and body weight. Harrold JA, Sadler M, Hughes GM et al, Nutrition Bulletin, 2021.

Dried fruit and public health - what does the evidence tell us? Sadler MJ, Gibson S, Whelan K et al.Int Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2018. 

Dried fruit and dental health – how strong is the evidence? M Sadler, 2017. Nutrition Bulletin 42:338-345.

A review of economic evaluations for beneficial health outcomes of micronutrient and long-chain omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. M Sadler, 2017. Int Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.  DOI: 


Dried Fruit and Dental Health. Michele Sadler. Int Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2016.

European Health Claims: Regulatory Developments. M Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 1: 3-16.


Authorised EU health claim for reformulated, non-alcoholic, acidic drinks. M Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 7: 103-110.


Authorised EU health claim for supplementary folic acid. M Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 5: 65-83.


Authorised EU health claims for calcium and calcium with vitamin D. Gibson PS, Sadler MJ & Lanham-New SA.. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 3: 35-44


Authorised EU health claim for vitamin D and reduced risk of falls. Bischoff-Ferrari HA & Sadler M.. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 4: 49-60.


Authorised EU health claim for chitosan. Sadler M & Funnell J. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 11:161-175.


Authorised EU health claims for activated charcoal, lactulose and melatonin. M Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 3. Ed. M. J. Sadler. Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Chapter 16: 237-249.

The Potential Influence of Brexit on Food Regulation. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2017, 130: 37-39.


Dried Fruit and Dental Health. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2017, 121: 49-52.


Update on Health Claims. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2017, 129: 52-54

Future Foods from Edible Insects. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2016 Extra Supplement 117: 60-63.

Food Labelling and Signposting: An Update. NHD Magazine 2016. 

Developments in Nutrition: 20 years back, 20 years forward. Conference Report. Nutriiton Bulleton, 2016, 41: 180-187. M Sadler, M Ashwell, J Buttriss, A Govindji, J Harland, C Stirling-Reed, K Tonks, F Wilcock.

Health benefits of oils rich in omega-3,omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2015, 108 (Oct): 38-42. 

Micronutrient Initiatives for Future Health, Expert RoundTable Report, 2015

Regulatory developments with European health claims. Michele Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 2. Ed MJSadler, Woodhead Publishing, 2015.


Authorised EU health claim for dried plums/prunes. Michele Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 2. Ed MJSadler, Woodhead Publishing, 2015.


Authorisied EU health claims for vitamins and minerals. Michele Sadler. In Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims, Volume 1. Ed MJSadler, Woodhead Publishing, 2014.


EU Disease Risk Reduction Health Claim for Folic Acid. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2014, 100: 44-47.


Helping patients identify suitable products for lactose intolerance. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine, 2014, 96: 25-27.


Vulnerable vitamins in the UK Diet. Michele Sadler. NHD Magazine 2014, 92: 12-14.


Sugar–Fat Seesaw: A Systematic Review of the Evidence M. J. Sadler, H. McNulty, S. Gibson. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2013, 55(3): 338-356.


Beta-casein proteins and infant growth and development. Michèle J Sadler and Nicholas Smith. Infant 2013, 9(5): 173-176.


A Challenge to Nutrition Communicators: Some mismatch between food label claims and heart health messages. Ashwell M., Arens U., Gibson S., de la Hunty A. and Sadler M. NHD Magazine. 2013, 88 (Oct): 12-15.


Authorised Health Claims May not Help Consumers to Choose a Healthy Diet. de la Hunty A, Ashwell, M, Arens U, Gibson S., Sadler M. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2014, 64: 1-5.


Meal Replacements and VLCDs: Efficacy, EU health claims and Regulations. Michèle Sadler. NHD Magazine. 2013, 88 (Oct):8-10.


Who should be taking a Vitamin D Supplement? Michèle Sadler. NHD Magazine. 2013, 86 (July): 12-13.


Glycaemic Response: Current developments. Michèle Sadler. NHD  Magazine. 2012, 77 (Aug/Sept): 33-34.


Nutrition and Health claims: Latest developments. Michèle Sadler. NHD Magazine. 2012, 76 (July): 26-27.


Consumer understanding of sugars claims on food and drink products

N. J. Patterson, M. J. Sadler, J. M. Cooper. Nutrition Bulletin, 2012, 37 (2), 121-130.


Calorie Control and Weight Management. Michele Sadler and Julian Stowell. In Sweeteners and Sugar Alternatives in Food Technology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Kay O’Donnell and Malcolm W. Kearlsey, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.


Update on New EU Food Labelling Rules. Michèle Sadler. NHD Magazine. 2011, 69 (Nov): 7-8.


Update on Nutrition and Health Claims. Michèle Sadler. NHD Magazine. 2011, 66 (July): 24-25.


Food, Glycaemic Response and Health. Michèle Sadler. ILSI Europe Concise Monograph Series, 2011.






Encyclopedias edited by Dr Michele Sadler
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